The South Cambridgeshire Local Plan

I have been looking through the proposals for amendments to the Local Plan which have just appeared. I haven’t looked at them in detail but there are a few points that pop out as being important for residents of Waterbeach who are concerned about the new town.
1 The plan has added the word ‘approximately’ to the size of the development which now reads ‘approximately 8,000 to 9,000 dwellings’
2 The word ‘new’ has been replaced by ‘relocated’ when referring to what will happen to Waterbeach Station.
3 Stronger protection is given to the setting of Denny Abbey and additional protection is given to some of the other heritage assets on the site including ‘World War 2 structures and raised causeways’.
4 A reference to ‘odour … from the Waterbeach Waste Management Park’ is included as something that the site should be protected from.
5 References to separation from Waterbeach have been replaced by ‘Maintaining the identity of Waterbeach village as a village close to the new town is also necessary’
I am sure that there are lots of other things that may be spotted and I leave that to others. You can see most of the stuff relating to Waterbeach at