I have been told by many people that the existing platforms at Waterbeach Station would definitely be extended fairly soon. Just to make sure, I sent in a Freedom of Information request to Network Rail:
“I should be grateful if you could supply me with details of your plans to
extend the platforms at the existing Waterbeach Station. In particular, whether
this is a definite plan and, if so, when you envisage completion.”
The essence of their response was:
“You can find the requested details in the Control Period 5 Enhancement Delivery Plan.
This was updated in December 2017 and provides as much information as we hold
on the subject of your request at present”
The crucial bit of this plan is on page 31 (click on the image to see it full size):
I must say, this doesn’t appear very definite to me, but maybe those who understand railway-speak can enlighten me,